WIIS Italy and the University for Foreigners of Perugia (Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Relazioni Internazionali e Cooperazione allo Sviluppo) co-organized the“Giornata del RICSor RICS Day, on November 4th 2020.

WIIS Italy’s President and Vice-President Irene Fellin and Nicoletta Pirozzi participated in the first part of the event, “Elezioni USA, il giorno dopo” or “Elections in the US, the day after”, a roundtable to reflect on the result of American Presidential Elections. Here to access the recording >>

The Secretary General of WIIS Italy Loredana Teodorescu, and Silvia Francescon, member of the Executive Committee, participated in the second panel of the RICS Day: “Le carriere nelle Relazioni Internazionali e nella Cooperazione”, a seminar of professional opportunities in the field of International Relations and Development. Here to access the recording >>