EU gender policies in the neighbourhood: a “decentring perspective” from Tunisia
by Clara della Valle (Università di Bologna) and Serena Giusti (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa)
The article Disruptions in the ENP Cycle: EU Gender Policies in Tunisia from a ‘Decentring Perspective’ by Clara della Valle and Serena Giusti, published by the European Foreign Affairs Review (Vol.26, Issue 3/2021, pp.397-414), investigates how policy actions...The nexus between human security and gender in the Euro-Atlantic Alliance
by Maria Altieri
The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) is aware of the disproportionate impact conflicts have on women and girls, the vital roles women play in peace and security, and the importance of incorporating gender perspectives in all its activities. Consequently, in...Closing schools for Afghan female students could also be a problem for the Taliban
by Ilaria Bertocchini
On March 23, on the first day of the school year in Afghanistan, the Taliban regime issued a decree prohibiting female students in secondary schools from going to school. After the first school closure at the end of August, following the Taliban takeover, many girls...
Damsels in Distress: Women in International Peace and Security
by Sofia Sutera
“I am from Afghanistan, a country famous for War. Let’s change the topic, let’s bring PEACE with art.” These are the words which introduce the Facebook page of Shamsia Hassani, a famous Afghan artist. Scrolling down the page though, powerful drawings of...
The Role of Women in World Peace
di Sofia Sutera
Considering that the UN, in its official website, defines women peacekeepers as a “Key to Peace”, because, as the UN itself and many scholars affirm, they have the potential to bring to greater legitimization of the forces, more effective protection of the local...
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