In order to improve and refine the communication competences of the Mediterranean Women Mediators Network, the Secretariat decided to participate in The Art of Communication, a practical and theoretical training designed by the organization Artway of Thinking and held by Federica Thiene and Stefania Mantovani.
The training has a twofold objective, specifically to advance communication skills both within the Network and outward, from the Network towards others, the general public or a specific audience. For this reason, the course involves the MWMN Secretariat for internal communication, and a group of mediators from the Network to work on external communication.
The members of the Secretariat reunited for a 3-day training on the Island of La Certosa, outside the coast of Venice. There, through the technique of learning-by-doing and a co-creative methodology, the participants worked on the harmonization of communication processes within the group and reflected on instruments for an effective exchange of information. The training intended to and succeed in tackling questions as: How do we perceive, look at and describe what’s around us? How can we relate with others through a healthy communication? Are we mindful of how we are perceived?
The group of selected women mediators from various countries in the Mediterranean region participated in online webinars with the goal of providing participants with audio-visual public speaking techniques, for an effective and empathetic communication in professional, high-level situations. The purpose of the training is for each mediator to find her own voice, feeling at ease while communicating in public. To reach such aim, each participant will produce a video-interview applying the strategies learned, which will be shared on the MWMN social networks as part of the 20th Anniversary celebration of UNSCR 1325.
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